noetic flatulence

Friday, December 22, 2006

Would Jesus drop an "F"-bomb?

One of my favorite bloggers is a Baptist preacher down in Texas who has a website called I like him because he has written about some of the same struggles I have had, like depression, and he writes in a non-pretentious, gritty style. He doesn't waste words. One of my recent favorites was an entry called A Religion of Denial. He ends with the sentence, "And one day he will have to cough the fucker up."

Man, there is power in that sentence. There was a lot of power in the whole piece, but the last sentence put the exclamation point on it.

You don't often hear Baptist preachers use the "f-word"--actually he's the only one I ever heard use it. I've heard priests (Catholic and Orthodox) use it before, but when they've used it, it has always seemed appropriate--although I was shocked the first time. I remember a priest when I was getting too analytical telling me I was, "mind fucking the thing to death." He got the point across that I was stuck and needed to move on.

Of course, on RLP's (Real Live Preacher) blog, there were comments about how his language was inappropriate and they tried to lay on him some of the WWJD? guilt trip shit on him. He held his ground and some of us defended him--although he really didn't need it.

So would Jesus drop an "F-Bomb"? Actually, I can imagine him doing it as he turns over the money changers tables or giving his seven woes: "You Pharisees are a bunch of fucking white washed tombs...". That is a little punchier and to the point than, "Thou art... blah, blah, blah."

Some credit for this goes to andytrevathan who wrote in her profile of her hobbies: "Cursing (it is an art form.)"


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